Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chapter 5 and 6 Vocabulary

In partners, look at the Vocabulary words on page 15. Each word has the page number where the word is located. Make a chart similar to the one in my example. One column should read "What I think" and the other column should read "Definition".

Turn to the page number for the first vocab word: Jowls. Try to guess the meaning of the word from the context of its paragraph. Write your guess under the column "What I Think". Once you have made a context clue guess for every word, use an online dictionary to look up the correct definition for the words. Write the definition in the column "Definition".

When both columns are filled in for each word, you may post your comment.


  1. Mrs. Jocis Example

    Word.........What I Think..........Definition

    Jowls........big pockets...........something else

  2. jowls-the chin of certain animals-the fleshy part of certain animals such as the dewlap of cattle or the wattle of birds.

    miniature- something little like miniature golf- of a much smaller size than normal; very small.

    mechanism-something mechanical- a system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery

    maze-a series of pathways-a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way.

    calculate-to find out something mathmaticaly-determine the amount or number of something mathematically

  3. jowls.........big pockets.........the lower part of a person or anamials cheek when its fleshy or dropy

  4. (: JOSH :)
    word.......what i think.......definition
    jowls...something holding something else.....the flesh hanging from someones chin

    miniature...smaller version of something...image of something on a small or reduced scale.

    mechanism...a piece, a machinery..mechanical appliances in general.

    maze....a giant puzzle with paths...labyrinth

    calculate...to find the answer...to determine by reasoning,

  5. Christopher glesmannJune 21, 2011 at 10:38 AM

    Christopher Glesmann

    word.....What I Think.....Definition
    Jowls.....something holding something else.....a fold of flesh hanging from the jaw

    Miniature.....a smaller version of something....a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale.

    Maze.....A giant puzzle with paths.....a confusing network of intercommunicating paths or passages; labyrinth.

    mechanism.....a piece a machinery.....an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine; linkage.

    calculate.....To find a answer.....to determine or ascertain by mathematical methods; compute: to calculate the velocity of light.

  6. words........ what i think.......... definition.
    jowls........plant like thing.......a fold of flesh
    miniature.....something small.......very small thing
    mechanism....a way something works..a way it works
    maze.........a confusing walk way...confusion
    calculate....to add something.......a math mathematical method

  7. Tachsiaaa

    Jowls.....something on a head.....a fold of flesh.

    Miniature.....Smaller than usual.....A smaller version of something.

    Mechanism.....a machine or something.....machinery or mechanical appliances.

    Maze.....A big thing that is hard to find your way out of.....a confusing network of intercommunicating paths or passages.

    Calculate.....to figure something out by what you know.....to determine by reasoning, common sense, or practical experience.

  8. branden hunter ramend gierJune 21, 2011 at 10:47 AM

    jowls........color full fire..........jaws the lower jaw
    miniature......small.......small or a picture that is small
    mechanism......a self doing thing.......a asemble of many moving parts.
    maze......were u make turns and try to make it throu with out grting lost........a place of many pathes
    calculate..... add some thing all up.......to solve one or more problems

  9. Tristan
    jowls......... big pockets......... the lower part of a persons or animals cheek.
    miniature...... someone or something small........ something very small.
    mechanism........ some sort of tool or something like that........... a system of parts in a machine working together.
    maze.......... something you get lost in..........a network of paths and hedges desinged as a puzzle.

  10. mason

    jowls........hanging from...............

    miniature.............something small.............

    mechanism................something that works very well

    maze.............this thing you go threw..........

    calculate............what you do in math.............
